Perfect Hider

This body of work is based on a quote from a well-known TV show called Doctor Who. The quote goes like this “Question: why do we talk out loud when we know we’re alone? Conjecture: Because we know we’re not. Evolution perfects survival skills. There are perfect hunters. There is perfect defense. Question: why is there no such thing as perfect hiding? Answer: How would you know? Logically, if evolution were to perfect a creature whose primary skill was to hide from view, How could you know it existed? It could be with us every second and we would never know. How would you detect it? Even sense it? Except in those moments when for no clear reason, you choose to speak aloud. What would such a creature want?” The myth of the hidden figure follower that sends chills down one’s spine is what is being portrayed in this series of images. The images show a path in the wood that leads to an unknown destination but in each image when it is placed over a light, a hidden figure is then revealed. It only shows itself when the light hits the image in a certain direction. Only then can one see the flicking figure that is constantly changing from the light source provided.


Changing Face


Fruit Crime