Fruit Crime

This is Body of work is based on this idea of a crime scene but will a small twist. This twist is that instead of human figures being the center of the piece these typical figures are replaces but fruit. The fruit are displaying different ways to slice and dice our food but will a graphic element involved. It is also meant to bring humor to an otherwise very serious action. The fruit is depicted with gooey substance to add element add a bit of gore to an very innocent object. These images put a new spin on the idea of the removing innocents from those who will always be so. An apple is just an apple, but when sliced apart and put with other element can change the meaning of what the apple represents.

This idea of challenging the meaning of an object is very important to me. Everything that we see should not be excepted as what it is. This piece show this idea or challenging that is expected of an object. And apple is meant to be eaten, but would I eat an apple that is bleeding, or would I throw this apple away. I think that challenging the norm is something that should always be considered will looking at an object. And if there is to be this challenges it is fun to add an element of humor to it.


Perfect Hider


Replacing Nature