Fading Friends

This body of work shows a series of human portraits. This was an experiment of many different processes to see how each element would work in tandem with the other. The portraits are of people that I have worked alongside and have become friends with. The people show what their faces are at the most relaxed. No required smile or emotion was needed in these images and so the images the figure as themselves, not as the false version of themselves society forces them to appear as. The reason for this is that these images show the people that are stored in my memory. The one that can relax around me and talk. The ones that do not have to force themselves to the standards of social norms. But ultimately are these images going to be the only ones to remember these people? This is where the alternative process called mordencage comes in. The lifting of the emulsion fades or covers the face. This conveys the idea that as time passes the memory of people start to fade and hole start to appear. This is why I took these photos to also bring back the idea that if these holes start to appear I can pull out the image I have and remember what they look like.


Taking the Climb


Changing Face