Taking the Climb

What is a hike? It is something that people take to get away from the everyday busyness that is their lives. It is time to think and connect back to themselves. It is a chance to reconnect with the natural world that we so often leave to the side. This body of work explores the hike and the journey taken through mother nature. The Serenity that comes with being the only living human for miles around. The solitude and peaceful life of the forest. It conveys the separation between mother nature and humans. It allows the viewer a piece of this hike and the serenity it can bring. It also allows the viewer to see how beautiful nature can be. The layout is also significant to this piece because they are placed in a staircase shape. The topmost image is the tallest point of the hike and the bottom image is the lowest point of the hike looking up at the distance needed to travel. It also represents how the emotional state of the hiker as the distance continues. The highest point is the happiest moment because this is the longest point spent in nature. The more the is spent in nature the more rejuvenated one can be. The reversal can also be said. As the images go lower less time was spent there therefore the mood was not increased. The farther I distance myself from nature the more my mood decreased. This is why I must always make time for mother nature.


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