Octoramen T-Shirt

Fall 2019

The start of this project was to look at the website Threadless and find three popular themes used by another designer to connect to the online community. Choose one of these themes to build upon and create an image using Adobe Illustrator. While doing so I was tasked with thinking about the way I could simplify the image. I have limited my color pallet to six different colors to show objects and implied lines.

The three topics I chose were Japanese cuisine, Octopi, and the Grim Reaper because they are currently hot topics on threadless. In my end result, I merged two of my ideas and created Octopus Ramen. This is a stylized version of an octopus that appears to be in a bowl of ramen “taking a bath”. My goal what to simplify the shape of the octopus but add a cute characteristic and use as few colors as possible to get my point across. I also added a square outline around the octopus ramen to provide some emphasis on depth and the idea that the octopus is coming off of the shirt.

I started this design process by creating a mood board for each design the one above is for the idea of the octopus ramen bowl. I drew up some of my own sketches and worked up some color themes for the final design. Using these references I was able to pinpoint what other ingredients I wanted to add to the design in order to make in design recognizable.



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