Cookbook Exploration

Spring 2020

A cookbook is an object that holds a lot of different types of body copies. Because of this, the goal of this project was to take two giving recipes and create a two-page spread for each of the recipes. I had to think of this as a client-designer approach and think of the giving copy as everything the client would want in the design. I had to create a well-thought-out layout as well as organized the copy to be ready to follow and easy to read. The last thing that needs to be considered when I designed these pages is both recipes had to be uniform with the layout and design elements while still being different enough to excite the viewer of the book.

For the work that I created, I decided to use a color scheme that was found in both of the dishes I was giving, reds and oranges. Then organized it with all the main idea that was needed for a cookbook the ingredients, instructions, utensils needed, and the nutritional facts for the recipe. I had some extra space on the pages with the picture so I added the description to that page. I added titles to each section so it was organized and organized well.


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