Jewish Milwaukee Museum

Artifact Archive

At the beginning of the fall 2022 semester at the University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee I was offered an internship at the Jewish Milwaukee Museum photographing physical artifacts associated with the Jewish archive. The goal of this undertaking was so that the Museum would have high-quality images that they could add to their new website that way created in order to get more visibility. The other reason they wanted these images was that this collection of items would be more accessible to the public these items would otherwise not be seen.

My purpose in the endeavor was to carefully photograph all of the delicate artifacts from multiple different angles in order to get an accurate depiction of each item. I then edited them to match the standard for a website database and then sent them to the archivist in charge of this project Jay Hyland. He would then add them to the wedsite. Below are just a few of the images I have taken for this endeavor.


Destruction of the Planet